How to Set Data to an Entity with Various Data Types Using a C# Plugin in Dynamics 365

How to Set Data to an Entity with Various Data Types Using a C# Plugin in Dynamics 365



Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a powerful platform for managing business data through entities. In this blog post, we will create a custom entity using a C# plugin and assign various data types, including:

  • String

  • Integer

  • DateTime

  • Boolean

  • Decimal

  • OptionSet (Single and Two OptionSet)

  • MultiSelect OptionSet

  • Lookup

This guide is helpful for Dynamics 365 developers looking to automate entity creation using plugins.

Breakdown of Data Types Used

Field NameTypeExample Value
custom_nameString"Sample Name"
custom_isactiveBooleantrue (Yes)
custom_statusOptionSet1 (Active)
custom_preferencesMultiSelect OptionSet[101 (Email), 102 (SMS)]
custom_accountidLookup (Reference to Account)GUID


  •   customEntity["custom_name"] = "Sample Name";


  •    customEntity["custom_age"] = 25;


  •    customEntity["custom_dateofbirth"] = new DateTime(1998, 5, 15);

Boolean (Two OptionSet)

  •   customEntity["custom_isactive"] = true;


  •   customEntity["custom_salary"] = new decimal(50000.75);

OptionSet (Single Choice)

  •   customEntity["custom_status"] = new OptionSetValue(1); // 1 = Active, 2 = Inactive

MultiSelect OptionSet

  •   customEntity["custom_preferences"] = new OptionSetValueCollection
          new OptionSetValue(101), // Email
          new OptionSetValue(102)  // SMS

Lookup (Entity Reference)

  •   customEntity["custom_accountid"] = new EntityReference("account", new Guid("C3B5D1F5-4F7B-4C6A-9F01-5A347E25C849"));

Implementing in Plugin logic

using System;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;

public class CreateCustomEntityPlugin : IPlugin
    public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));
        IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
        IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
        IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);

            // Create an entity record
            Entity customEntity = new Entity("custom_entity");

            // Assign different data types
            customEntity["custom_name"] = "Sample Name"; // String
            customEntity["custom_age"] = 25; // Integer
            customEntity["custom_dateofbirth"] = new DateTime(1998, 5, 15); // DateTime
            customEntity["custom_isactive"] = true; // Boolean
            customEntity["custom_salary"] = new decimal(50000.75); // Decimal
            customEntity["custom_status"] = new OptionSetValue(1); // Two Optionset or Optionset

            // MultiSelect OptionSet (Multiple Choices)
            customEntity["custom_preferences"] = new OptionSetValueCollection
                new OptionSetValue(101), // Email
                new OptionSetValue(102)  // SMS

            // Lookup
            customEntity["custom_accountid"] = new EntityReference("account", new Guid("C3B5D1F5-4F7B-4C6A-9F01-5A347E25C849"));

            // Create the record in CRM
        catch (Exception ex)
            tracingService.Trace("CreateCustomEntityPlugin Error: {0}", ex.ToString());
            throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("An error occurred in the plugin.", ex);