How to Retrieve Data related to diff datatypes from Dynamics 365 Target Entity Using a Plugin

How to Retrieve Data related to diff datatypes from Dynamics 365 Target Entity Using a Plugin

D365 CRM Plugin

In this blog post, we’ll walk through how to retrieve different types of data from a Microsoft Dynamics 365 entity using a plugin. We'll explore different field types and their corresponding retrieval methods, including:

  • Single-line and multiple-line text fields

  • Numeric fields (Integer, Decimal)

  • Date fields

  • Entity reference fields (Lookup)

  • Currency fields

  • Option Set and Multiselect Option Set fields

Let’s dive right in!

Retrieving Various Data Types in a Plugin

  1. Single-line / Multiple-line Text (String)

     string accountName = targetEntity.Contains("name") && targetEntity["name"] != null ? 
                             targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<string>("name") : null;
  2. Numeric Fields (Integer and Decimal)

    Integer Field:

     int? quantity = targetEntity.Contains("quantity") && targetEntity["quantity"] != null ?
                         targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<int?>("quantity") : null;

    Decimal Field:

     decimal? price = targetEntity.Contains("price") && targetEntity["price"] != null ?
                         targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<decimal?>("price") : null;
  3. Date Time Fields (Date and Time / Date Only)

     DateTime? createdOn = targetEntity.Contains("createdon") ? 
                              targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<DateTime?>("createdon") : null;
  4. Entity Reference (Lookup) Fields

    Retrieve Entity Reference:

     EntityReference owner = targetEntity.Contains("owner") && targetEntity["owner"] != null ? 
                                targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("owner") : null;

    Retrieve Entity Reference Guid:

     Guid? ownerId = targetEntity.Contains("owner") && targetEntity["owner"] != null ? 
                        targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("owner")?.Id : null;

    Retrieve Entity Reference Logical Name:

     string owner_entityname = targetEntity.Contains("owner") && targetEntity["owner"] != null ? 
                                  targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("owner")?.LogicalName : null;
  5. Currency Fields
    Retrieve Currency:

     Money revenue = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                        targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue") : null;

    Retrieve Currency Value:

     decimal? revenueValue = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                                targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue")?.Value : null;

    Retrieve Currency Entity Reference:

     EntityReference? currencyE = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                                     targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue")?.Currency : null;

    Retrieve Currency Name:

     string? currencyCode = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                               targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue")?.Currency?.Name : null;
  6. Option Set (Single Select)

    Retrieve Option Set Value:

     OptionSetValue status = targetEntity.Contains("statuscode") && targetEntity["statuscode"] != null ?
                                targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statuscode") : null;

    Retrieve OptionSet Value and Label:

     int? statusValue = targetEntity.Contains("statuscode") && targetEntity["statuscode"] != null ?
                           targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statuscode")?.Value : null;
     // Option Set & Two Optionset -> Option Set: If you want optionset formatted value/label                                        
     string statusFormattedValue = targetEntity.FormattedValues.Contains("statuscode") ?
                                      targetEntity.FormattedValues["statuscode"] : null;
  7. Multiselect Option Set

    Retrieve Multiselect Option Set Values:

      OptionSetValueCollection interests = targetEntity.Contains("interests") && targetEntity["interests"] != null
                         ? targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValueCollection>("interests")
                         : null;
     // Multi Select Optionset -> If you want optionset values
     int[] selectedValues = targetEntity.Contains("interests") && targetEntity["interests"] != null
                         ? targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValueCollection>("interests").Value
                         : null;

    Retrieve MultiSelect OptionSet Labels:

     List<string> selectedLabels = new List<string>();
     if (targetEntity.FormattedValues.Contains("interests"))
        string formattedValues = targetEntity.FormattedValues["interests"];
        selectedLabels = formattedValues.Split(',').ToList();

Plugin Code

using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
public class FollowupPlugin : IPlugin
    public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        // Obtain the tracing service
        ITracingService tracingService = (ITracingService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITracingService));

        // Obtain the execution context from the service provider.  
        IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));

        // The InputParameters collection contains all the data passed in the message request.  
        if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
            // Obtain the target entity from the input parameters.  
            Entity targetEntity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];

            // Obtain the IOrganizationService instance which you will need for  
            // web service calls.  
            IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
            IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);

                // Retrieve values from the Target entity

                //String -> Single line / Multiple lines of text
                string accountName = targetEntity.Contains("name") && targetEntity["name"] != nul ?
                                        entity.GetAttributeValue<string>("name") : null;

                // Number -> Integer
                int? quantity = targetEntity.Contains("quantity") && targetEntity["quantity"] != null ?
                                    targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<int?>("quantity") : null;

                // Number -> Decimal/float
                decimal? price = targetEntity.Contains("price") && targetEntity["price"] != null ?
                                    targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<decimal?>("price") : null;

                // Datetime -> Date and time || Date only
                // Question mark (?) represents nullable value also
                // If datatype is Date only in crm then the time value will be 00:00:00
                DateTime? createdOn = targetEntity.Contains("createdon") ?
                                        targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<DateTime?>("createdon") : null;

                // EntityReference -> Lookup
                EntityReference owner = targetEntity.Contains("owner") && targetEntity["owner"] != null ?
                                            targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("owner") : null;

                // EntityReference -> Lookup: If you want related entity Guid
                Guid? ownerId = targetEntity.Contains("owner") && targetEntity["owner"] != null ?
                                    targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("owner")?.Id : null;

                // EntityReference -> Lookup: If you want related entity logical name
                String? owner_entityname = targetEntity.Contains("owner") && targetEntity["owner"] != null ?
                                    targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("owner")?.LogicalName : null;

                // Number -> Currency                                      
                Money revenue = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                                        targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue") : null;

                // Number -> Curreny: If you want only value 
                decimal? revenueValue = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                                            targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue")?.Value : null;

                // Number -> Curreny: If you want only curreny entity reference 
                EntityReference? currencyE = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                                                targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue")?.Currency : null;

                // Number -> Curreny: If you want only currency name
                string? currencyCode = targetEntity.Contains("revenue") && targetEntity["revenue"] != null ?
                                            targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<Money>("revenue")?.Currency?.Name : null;

                // Option Set & Two Optionset -> Option Set
                OptionSetValue status = targetEntity.Contains("statuscode") && targetEntity["statuscode"] != null ?
                                        targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statuscode") : null;

                // Option Set & Two Optionset -> Option Set: If you want optionset value                                        
                int? statusValue = targetEntity.Contains("statuscode") && targetEntity["statuscode"] != null ?
                                        targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("statuscode")?.Value : null;

                // Option Set & Two Optionset -> Option Set: If you want optionset formatted value/label                                        
                string statusFormattedValue = targetEntity.FormattedValues.Contains("statuscode") ?
                                                targetEntity.FormattedValues["statuscode"] : null;

                // Multi Select Optionset                
                OptionSetValueCollection interests = targetEntity.Contains("interests") && targetEntity["interests"] != null
                    ? targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValueCollection>("interests")
                    : null;

                // Multi Select Optionset -> If you want optionset values
                int[] selectedValues = targetEntity.Contains("interests") && targetEntity["interests"] != null
                    ? targetEntity.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValueCollection>("interests").Value
                    : null;

                // Multi Select Optionset -> If you want optionset labels/ formatted values
                List<string> selectedLabels = new List<string>();
                if (targetEntity.FormattedValues.Contains("interests"))
                    string formattedValues = targetEntity.FormattedValues["interests"];
                    selectedLabels = formattedValues.Split(',').ToList();
            catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("An error occurred in FollowUpPlugin.", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                tracingService.Trace("FollowUpPlugin: {0}", ex.ToString());